All information provided in this web site (www.kissingfish.gr) has been prepared for general information and illustration purposes of people who are interested in the fish spa business.
Although we have taken due care in the preparation of all the information contained in this web site, any reliance on the information is solely at the user’s risk. Kissingfish accepts no responsibility for any loss (whether personal or commercial) resulting from reliance on any information contained in this web site, which includes information downloaded from the web site.
This web site contains links to other third party services and web sites. Kissingfish cannot provide any warranty (implied or otherwise) as to the accuracy or source of information contained in those sites or information you download. Links from kissingfish.gr to third parties does not constitute an endorsement of these third party organisations or companies.
Kissingfish reserves the right to alter the content and functionality of this site in any way, or to restrict access to it, or close it at any time and for any reason without prior notice and shall not be liable in any way for possible consequences of such changes.
The “Kissingfish” logo is a registered trademark, and its use is allowed only with the written approval of the Kissingfish company.
For further information please e-mail info@kissingfish.gr.